We fight with our enemy or we help our friends with the missions in Avaxtars
Last updated
We fight with our enemy or we help our friends with the missions in Avaxtars
Last updated
With the Avaxtars GameFi interface, agents can send Avaxtars on missions. As a result of these missions, players can earn various rewards and level up by earning experience points.
At the moment there are 4 main Sections on Avaxtars GameFi interface and every Section offers different Missions.
Missions are based on Avaxtars levels and beginning with the first mission Avaxtars earn experience to level up.
Every missions requires some resources and offers some rewards.
For example; "Let The Adventure Begin" mission in Section 1 is the first mission for any Avaxtars can complete.
This mission requires 10 $ENXT and getting a successful result will award the player with 10 $DGC. During the beta period this mission requires no $ENXT and also rewards an additional 10 $ENXT.
This mission requires 12 hours to be complete and players earn 25 XP (experience points) at the end of this mission.
If a mission can not be completed successfully then the player get lesser reward but the whole XP.
Here is the algorithm which is used to define the success rate for a mission;
Mission Success Rate = {Avaxtars Success Rate + Sum(Item Success Rate) + [(Avaxtars Level*0,35)/100] + NFT Success Rate on Metaverse Slot}*0,6*Mission Success Rate
Some missions require other missions to be completed first and if you read the descriptions carefully you may notice that there is story for those linked missions.
Some missions require Avaxtars with a specific rarity like Rare, Epic or Legend.
Enjoy the details of the missions. We'll reveal more sections and additional missions as long as the players keep playing the game.