Cold Fusion Generator (CFG)
Cold Fusion Generator (CFG) will used to farming Energy Token ($ENXT). There is no limit for CFG like PAGMs.
Last updated
Cold Fusion Generator (CFG) will used to farming Energy Token ($ENXT). There is no limit for CFG like PAGMs.
Last updated
Players will be able to buy 1 CFG per account at the moment.
The base price for CFG is 0.5 $AVXT.
CFGs will be bought as Level 0.
Players need to upgrade CFG to level 1 to start to use.
Upgrading a CFG into Level 1 requires only 1 Scientist nothing else.
Locking a scientist into CFG and paying the upgrade cost with $ENXT will upgrade it to next levels beyond 1.
The required amount of scientists to upgrade CFG is 1 and the required $ENXT is 25 for each level.
Scientists will be locked permanently in CFG for upgrading the level of CFG.
CFG will be able to produce while upgrading.
Users should claim their $ENXT Tokens every 24 hours. After 24 hours, unclaimed CFGs won’t produce more $ENXT.
100 $ENXT Tokens will be airdropped for each Personal Avaxtar Generating Machine (PAGM).
Cold Fusion Generator Production & Upgrade Costs Table is shown below: